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Prayer Request
Have you seen this picture before?
Do you pray?
This is Jesus knocking on the door of your heart.
The handles on on the inside, only you can open it.
Lots of people pray,
But praying is like talking through the door.
You know He's there somewhere,
but you don't know Him personally.
Visualize wearing a backpack
If we filled it with all your sin, would it be heavy?
That represents your debt with God.
If you owed the bank a million dollars and I gave you a check for that amount, and you gave it to the bank, what would happen?
That's what Jesus did when He died on the cross.
He wrote you a check signed in His blood - With your name on it.
He rose again, and today, He's standing at the door of your heart, wanting you to cash it.
If Jesus were here right now, Would you let Him In?
Can you see the wind?
No, but you can feel it, right?
Like the wind, Jesus is here right now.
Can I pray for you to feel His Presence?
(After Prayer) What did you feel?
Right now, you're on a road of life without Jesus.
You need to turn from your sin, change direction and follow Him.
Do you want to follow Him?
Jesus, Forgive me for my sins.
I open the door of my heart.
I make you Lord of my life.
Fill me with your Spirit. Amen.
Lets Keep In Touch
We'd love to continue to pray for you and help you in this new journey in your relationship with Jesus.
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I accepted Christ as My Savior.
Jesus at the door
By: Scott McNamara Jesusatthedoor.com